Page name: Elftown Bar's Dance Floor [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-22 05:29:31
Last author: Death's Die-Ary
Owner: Slayer Chick
# of watchers: 23
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D20: 13
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[Slayer Chick] AND [Death's Die-Ary]!

[NEW BANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

Made by [Slayer Chick]

~Dancers/Strippers~ Oh hehe by the way...THESE ARE NOT ONLY DANCERS! THESE ARE STRIPPERS! Oh and if you want to be a stripper...ask [Slayer Chick] she will add you... ^_^ lol
[Death's Die-Ary]
[Slayer Chick]
[a married mistress]
[Femme Fatale K]
[Giganto Coconuts]
[*Pokes you*]

Male Strippers
2.[Shade Wolf]
3.[Deadly Exposure]

Description Of Dance Floor:
There is one BIG dance floor, a bar, and a high stage where the Dancers are, and only the dancers! LOL Have fun^.^

<--Elftown Restaurant
<--Elftown Bar's Dance Floor
<--Backroom Of the Elftown Bar

Username (or number or email):


[*Pokes you*]: you all need some serious help

[Death's Die-Ary]: who? i know you don't mean [Shade Wolf] and i.

[Shade Wolf]: The people who call her Jenna Jameson need help.Gotta think with the wrong head all the damn time!

[Death's Die-Ary]: lol yeah but least not everyone knows my name.

[Shade Wolf]: Yeah,but I wish you didn't have to hate your real name

[Death's Die-Ary]: i dont necessarily hate it,i just rather not use it,around certain ppl.

[Shade Wolf]: Okay.I do hate it when people try to ruin something good.

[Death's Die-Ary]: yeah,but it's all good.

[Shade Wolf]: Ok

[p7]: *sigh* im bored........and dont know porn star's names so dont worry u wont be getting jokes like that from me.....

[*Pokes you*]: i think [Giganto Coconuts] aka jenna (not her real name it just makes her feel safe to fake it) is crazy

[Death's Die-Ary]: ooh okay

[Shade Wolf]: Okay

[*Pokes you*]: my name is reall

[p7]: lol

[Death's Die-Ary]: oh i thought you were trying to say "real" ...but i get it.

[p7]: ......i dont.......*puzzled look on my face*

[*Pokes you*]: tee hee

[Giganto Coconuts]: me by my real name...i don't give a eff anymore

[Shade Wolf]: Can we call you Eff?

[p7]: *sigh*

[Death's Die-Ary]: don't be sad!......go to the restaurant and i'll fix u a good dinner!

[Shade Wolf]: Good food too.

[p7]: lol thanx i sad tho......i miss my bf....

[Shade Wolf]: I'm sorry to hear that.*hugs*

[Giganto Coconuts]: YES!! You may call me EFF

[p7]: thanks.....who wants to dance??

[Shade Wolf]: I think EFF sounds like a cool name

[p7]: lol

[*Pokes you*]: alrighty then Sasha I will call you bye your real name

[Shade Wolf]: Whee

[*Pokes you*]: lol

[Giganto Coconuts]: AHHHH!!! NOT SASHA!!!!

[*Pokes you*]: well that is your name isn't ti or would you prefer Niche?

[p7]: lol

[*Pokes you*]: those Are her to favorite names at least she uses them alot

[p7]: oh

[..Nightmare..]: bored

[p7]: u r bored?? wanna dance??

[*Pokes you*]: *starts dancing and falls down*

[p7]: lol *jumps up on stage and starts dancing*

[Death's Die-Ary]: teen titans!

[Shade Wolf]: Hello Titan

[p7]: ........................................

[*Pokes you*]: *gives it to [Giganto Coconuts] up the ass*

[p7]: lol *dances w/ mal*

[Death's Die-Ary]: *dances with you and shakes my ass*

[p7]: lol niiiiice job mal....lets be what we r........STRIPPERS!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps up on stage and starts to strip* is anyone watching??

[Shade Wolf]: You two are funny

[p7]: oh we r?? y r we funny?? *curious look*

[Death's Die-Ary]: *gets on stage also and slowly takes my top off*

[p7]: lmao

[Shade Wolf]: *stares at Mal*

[Death's Die-Ary]: *stares back and drops my skirt*

[Shade Wolf]: Whoo Hoo! Take it all off!

[p7]: *cough cough* i feel uncomfortable.....maybe i should leave?

[Death's Die-Ary]: it's your choice *Shrugs*

[p7]: *jumps off stage, gets dressed, and walks out the door* BYE EVERYONE GOOD NITE!!!!!! *hugs to all*

[Shade Wolf]: Cool now it's just us.

[*Pokes you*]: *dances erotically anf laughs monically*

[p7]: lol

[Giganto Coconuts]: *dances and lets a fluffy*

[p7]: lol

[*Pokes you*]: my god Sasha don't do that here!

[p7]: lol

[*Pokes you*]: is that all you say?

[p7]: nope *jumps up on stage and starts to dance*

[*Pokes you*]: *humps a random person*

[p7]: lol *starts to poledance*

[*Pokes you*]: *humps [p7]s pole*

[p7]: lol *dances w/ molly*

[Shade Wolf]: Hello

[p7]: hi

[*Pokes you*]: hey

[Shade Wolf]: How are you

[p7]: heyy how r yall?? im good.....

[Shade Wolf]: Got two staples in the top of my head,but other than that...

[p7]: awwwww y?

[Death's Die-Ary]: *meow*

[p7]: lmao

[Death's Die-Ary]: *meows slowly* meee...ow ow owwww

[p7]: lol

[*Pokes you*]: I am confused and I don't know why, and thinking about it makes me nore confused *passes out from confusion*

[Death's Die-Ary]: i hate when that happens

[Shade Wolf]: I cracked my skull open when I fell off of the bottom stair and my head hit against a doorframe.

[p7]: :( im sry.....

[Death's Die-Ary]: this place looks different

[Shade Wolf]: Yeah well it happens,but anyway that is why I got staples in my head

[Shade Wolf]: Oh,sorry babe.

[Shade Wolf]: *kisses*

[*Pokes you*]: my little cousin got his head ran over by a tractior

[p7]: im sry.....omg how did that happen??

[*Pokes you*]: he fell off, but he's alright, in fact he's standing behind me right now.

[p7]: oh....ok well thats good that hes ok.....

[Death's Die-Ary]: *goes to another room*

[*Pokes you*]: yeah he's fine he just needed alot of plastic surgery

[p7]: awww that sux

[Shade Wolf]: Ok

[*Pokes you*]: I'm tired I was skinny Dippimg all night

[Giganto Coconuts]: LOL!! yes, I was there too!

[*Pokes you*]: yes you were but you are dumb and would not do it with the rest of us

[Giganto Coconuts]: well..most people don't swim naked...most NORMAL people for that matter..but whatever floats thy boat

[*Pokes you*]: your boyfriend was doing it, must I remind you? and i touched his wee little thingy, and Justins wee hard thingy to. and we all traded suits and it was hot,so we are normal. you are not

[Giganto Coconuts]: well it's not my fault you're a whore

[Death's Die-Ary]: *slaps all the ppl calling each other names or insulting one another* >.< be

[Shade Wolf]: Lol

[Giganto Coconuts]: HEY! molly knows i'm joking, I love her dearly *not queerly* she's my bfl

[Death's Die-Ary]: oh okay *pulls my hand back from slapping someone else for fun*

[p7]: lol niiiice.....

[SpecialK]: anyone want a beverage

[*Pokes you*]: I wub you Brit you know I'm not a whore since YOU dared me to do all those things, and as you know I almost NEVER refuse a dare!

[p7]: lol wtz the occasion where u do refuse?

[army gurl]: hewwo pplz *starts dancing w/ [p7]

[p7]: *dances w/ [army gurl]*

[army gurl]: r u doing the hottie of the town again..[p7]? i might cuz since i gotz a new pic on my house

[p7]: i dont know.....i didnt have any votes @ all, so i dont think so......i saw yr pic, its pretty.....

[army gurl]: aw thanx u mean the 1 on my house? right n not my old ugly 1? hunie u have my vote k i didnt kno u could vote for pplz if u were running for it???

[*Pokes you*]: I will NOT lick whipped cream of Niches nipples, or do overly purple things.

[Death's Die-Ary]: paris hilton?

[..Nightmare..]: I WILL lick whipped cream off of nipples.... sorry someone said they wouldnt so i had to step up and say i would XD same with ice cream and chocolate body paint.

[*Pokes you*]: you have never met him so i propose you don't accept that dare until you do.

[Giganto Coconuts]: oh know she did NOT just say that!!!!!!!

[p7]: lmao and yea i mean the one on yr house........huh? paris hilton??? *is confused*

[Giganto Coconuts]: I hate that ho

[Death's Die-Ary]: she is hott too!

[Giganto Coconuts]: ....ew

[*Pokes you*]: icky

[Shade Wolf]: LOL

[Death's Die-Ary]: oh hush,she's adorable >.>

[Shade Wolf]: I'm not saying she is not.

[p7]: lol shes a slutty whore........and shes like anorexic..........>.<

[*Pokes you*]: i agree

[Death's Die-Ary]: she is so not....

[Shade Wolf]: stop fighting people

[p7]: yes she is mal.......and ok ill stop....i know she is so i give up neways >.<

[Pyra]: guys, guys, stop fighting.

[p7]: .< i just said i would!!!!!!!!!! grrr

[..Nightmare..]: lol...

[p7]: lol

[*Pokes you*]: she reminds me of Pamela Anderson without tits

[Death's Die-Ary]: =o she is so much better lookin than her, becuz least her's are real !

[Shade Wolf]: lmao

[p7]: lmfao...........

[Pyra]: yeah but pam an is so hot

[Death's Die-Ary]: she's overrated....not to say paris isn't but....least paris has real parts on her

[Shade Wolf]: Pam has Hepititus C also...yuck!

[Shade Wolf]: Pam just sat on a barstool and the stool went through her loose parts...

[Death's Die-Ary]: *everyone stares in "awe", hears random person say ,"oh so this isn't for kids?" *

[Shade Wolf]: Nope.

[Death's Die-Ary]: *see's a lot of ppl and their kids get up and leave*

[Shade Wolf]: I thought this looked like the set of Jerry Springer....

[Death's Die-Ary]: *immitates AOL* You thought wrong....

[Shade Wolf]: *Imitates AOL (or A Oh Hell)* * Bing!*You got hale!

[p7]: lol lmfao!!! i hate them both!!!!!!!!!

[*Pokes you*]: A CORNICOPIA OF LOVE!!!

[p7]: :(

[*Pokes you*]: NO NO NO! :)

[p7]: :(



[Death's Die-Ary]: umm...

[p7]: even sadder......bc (most) guys are dickheads........sry for the language but yea....they are

[Danboo]: I'm not

[p7]: i dont know u tho and i said sorry im just seriously anti-guy right now.....ive had my heart broken soooo many times that its not even funny!!!

[Danboo]: i'm not trying to be rude but i have no absolute idea about the pain

[p7]: its ok......not everyone knows the pain of a broken heart

[Danboo]: well i've never really had a girlfriend

[p7]: oh......well.....thats surprising.....

[..Nightmare..]: holly shit i cant believe it still says im stripper XD hiya

[p7]: lol hi

[*Pokes you*]: HI BABY!

[Death's Die-Ary]: no one really pays attention to this wiki,but i do need help on my own a mistress.

[..Nightmare..]: Pounces on mal- MAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Death's Die-Ary]: *pounces on josh* omg! hi hun! JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH.

[..Nightmare..]: Lol HI!!!! :D

[p7]: lol hi pplz........

[*Pokes you*]: wow this is a sad little wiki

[Death's Die-Ary]: it prob always will be. lol

[p7]: lol

[*Pokes you*]: Where have all the peoples gone.

[p7]: i have no clue...HI!!! *waves*

[Death's Die-Ary]: *waves back* !

[p7]: how are you?

[Death's Die-Ary]: i'm doing good! you?

[p7]: im pretty good...

[..Nightmare..]: Fooken rights im still a stripper XD ive been gone so long and yet im still a stripper YAY

[Death's Die-Ary]: ^^ hell yes

[p7]: same hardly ever on here, but im still a stripper...<3

[Death's Die-Ary]: cause i love y'all ^^

[..Nightmare..]: Lol XD

[p7]: lol

[Chrysilla]: so what exactly the strippers do on this wiki?

[p7]: haha you don't wanna know ;)

[..Nightmare..]: Lmao.
I'm still on there x]

[The Black Goat]: Neatness... male strippers!

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